Monday, September 8, 2008

My Little Secret

Top 10 On-Line Poker Sites

Its all good news that my son was born normally last September 4, 2008 and my wife is now recovering very well. We've been discharged from the hospital with a sigh of relief. But are you in for a little secret?

My wife doesn't know this yet, but before she was due I was dead serious about searching for ways to raise roughly $4000 just in case she undergoes the caesarean section procedure. One of the options I considered was playing On-Line Poker.

I figured, it was already too late for me to save $700/month. Taking up on a loan at 10.56% p.a. will be painful every month, blogging can not raise the enough budget in taking on the risk of poker could be worth a shot. Besides, the starting bet can be as low a $5. With On-Line Poker, earning $1000.00 in a day of play looks very attractive and assured as long as the poker site is secure. There are many reputable sites where you can play poker on-line (as shown on the list above), and all of them give bonuses when you start playing.

What are these bonuses? These are additional money that you can play and grow that poker companies provide to help you increase your betting capacity. One example is on the use of PokerStars Marketing Code. After setting your account and choosing your game, you can use these bonus markers and you'll usually get 100-150% bonus for your initial play.

I tried looking at the and watched the video how to start. They have a step by step set-up. You can choose your type of play, of course the most popular is the Hold 'em. With you can use the
PokerStars Bonus Code
to get your additional funding.

Playing on line was really tempting, especially with the Full Tilt Poker. This game makes full potential of your $5 bill. There is no limit with the number of players and all the $5 from each player goes into the pot. You can also use the
Full Tilt Referral Code
maximize your winning potential.

I was preparing to play and crossing my finger to raise my needed fund, luckily, as if with a twist of fate, our medical insurance turned out to have a coverage for maternity benefits. The last time I know was that they don't. The good thing there was that my wife and son survived the ordeal without any complications and we were discharged without any cash out.

I wonder...could I have raised the $4000 if I had played?

* List courtesy of


funny Life Quotes said...

thanks for sharing your secret with us dude.

life Quotes said...

what a an amazing post it is?